Friday 3 April 2009

Psychology Essay and University Conference

Well, today I've finally started putting pen to paper for my psychology essay for a competition at Cambridge University. The essay has to be on the theme of 'social and developmental psychology' and I have chosen to research childhood experience and it's effect on the development of the authoritarian personality, with specific reference to Adolf Hitler.

I'm finding it a challenging but intriguing topic and I've managed to order several books from the British Library, including 'Hitler's Psycopathology' which I am finding to be a fascinating read. I'm having regular working lunches with my psychology teacher which is proving very helpful as to deciding on the structure of my essay and reviewing the content. I have until 24th April to complete the essay and I am hoping to finish writing it this week so my teacher can review it and it will be ready to send.

I also attended a university conference at Bournemouth University yesterday, which I found to be very useful as there were representatives from universities all over the country and I was given the opportunity to talk to them and ask them my questions about the accomodation and the course. I am planning the open days that I want to attend and I am hoping that I will be able to choose the universities that I am going to apply for in the next few months.

My revision is well underway for my AS Level exams and I'm looking forward to a challenging, but rewarding few months.

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